Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Benefits of Richard Roop Coaching

Like Richard Roop? There are many benefits of real estate investor training with Richard Roop.

1) ONE-ON-ONE: You should be looking forwarded to and be fully prepared for your monthly one-on-one appointment with your personal accountability and performance coach. This is the time to review your previous month, assess how you're progressing and commit to your plans and goals for the current month. The keys to your success lie in working off your Marketing Plan spreadsheet and then using a GIG to track your progress.

2) WHOLE GROUP CALL: The monthly Whole Group call is focused on inner game issues that will help you successful overcome common challenges that come up. Block out time to be on the call so it gets done but if you miss the call make sure you review the replay link or CDs. Block out time to systematically review calls from previous months. Everyone benefits greatly from having Willie Hooks on our team and these calls allow you to tap into his unique insights and contributions.

3) MARKETING MASTERY CALL: The Marketing Mastery Training Calls each month is your ongoing tech. It's best to join us live giving it your full attention, taking notes, identifying 3 top action items and taking advantage of the of the live Q&A when time permits. However, if you have enough tech to study from us, it's OK to review the training via replay links or CDs. The topics we choose are very timely and are usually chosen based on common challenges recently reported from the coaches and other coaching members. This is your "virtual boot camp" training session (without the travel) with "what's working best" plus important new strategies and updates.

4) PEER GROUP CALL: You should be on your Peer Group call LIVE and then review the other Peer Group calls on CDs when they arrive. This is you opportunity to get input on any challenges with all three head coaches including me, Dan and Willie. Plus you can get the benefit of advice and insights from your peers. If you do not have a presenting challenge, share your most recent breakthrough as it will help you internalize what you learned from it and provide motivation and inspiration to your fellow members.

5) COACHING CAPTAINS: Are you tapping into the support available from your Coaching Captains? These super sharp investors have volunteered to help you and are generous with their knowledge, gladly sharing what they have learned from successful experience. Email them as needed using the information found on your support site. If you feel you can contribute as a Coaching Captain, let your coach know or email Willie Hooks for an interview.

6) BONUS COACHING: Never go longer than a week without getting help you need! I do a "drop in" bonus coaching call on Tuesdays and Dan offers one on Thursdays, every week, subject to holidays and other scheduled events. The up to day schedule, times, call-in number and PIN is on your support. Use it if you need it. You can call in and just listen if you like as well. We are now recording most of these calls and uploading to your support site.

7) PRIVATE COACHING CALL: If all the above is STILL not enough and you need even more assistance, book a 15 minute appointment with me. Schedule it through my assistant Barb. I recommend you jump on my bonus coaching call or tap into your other support first but you can use these benefit anytime you need it.

8) BOOT CAMP ALUMNI REPEAT: As an active Platinum member I highly recommend you come to each of the live boot camps held 3 times a year, regardless of your success. If you think you are too busy or can't afford to take the time then you need to come just to fix that. You want to go to the next level. Our most successful Platinum members come every time! Each boot camp is different, you'll learn what's working best now, you'll get the latest new tech, you'll be reminded to do what you know you should be doing and aren't... and it's a great opportunity to "work on your business" as opposed to just working in your business. Of course the networking is priceless and you'll always be in a position to take you success to new heights.

9) PLATINUM RETREAT: Do whatever you can to attend the special full day event held the day prior to each boot camp. It is always the highlight and most cherished day of every boot camp and it's only for Platinum members. Think of it as a Whole Group Call on steroids! Each one is unique, going deeply into an inner game topic and will never be repeated. Let me, Dan and Willie transform you habits, attitudes, beliefs and expectations in ways words could not describe. If at all possible, stay over for the boot camp or at least the first day of the boot camp where we always share the latest new developments working best nationwide for creative real estate entrepreneurs.

10) MILLION DOLLAR COACHING ARCHIVES: For a limited time you will continue to have access to previous Whole Group, Peer Group, Marketing Mastery Training and Bonus Coaching calls through your support site. Make a plan to review the program titles available, schedule time to listen to them online or download them now and upload to your iPod. Here is thousands of dollars worth of unique audio programs that future Platinum members will have to pay extra for. We'll be revamping your membership site with a lot of cool, new features over the next few months.

11) PLATINUM VIP: When you're approaching your 12 month anniversary in coaching, you'll be qualified to continue into your second year as a Platinum VIP member. Currently we're offering one of two free bonuses when you enroll for coaching for another 12 months. You'll receive "Business Mastery for Real Estate Entrepreneurs" home study system free (normally $1,497) when you commit to another year. If you already own it then you will get your 12th month of Platinum VIP membership for free. You will also get a special 3-on-1 business planning teleconference with me, Dan and Willie as soon as you start your Platinum VIP membership... plus a few other exclusive benefits.

If you want to soar to the top of your real estate game just like Richard Roop, then you should join his coaching program.

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